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Taylor Smith

Sunday Worship – March 23rd @ 10am

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Sunday, March 23, 2025 @ 10:00am
73 W Winter St, Delaware, OH 43015

Our Lenten journey continues on the Third Sunday of Lent. Rev. Dr., Jennifer E. Hinkle’s sermon series is Praying Through Lent with sermon title “Plea”. Scripture readings from Psalm 130 and John 11:1-45. Special music by Joe Musser, organist and the Chancel Choir. Children are invited up front to hear the Children’s Moment and will then be dismissed for Sunday School. Please stay to enjoy a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service. Our worship live streams can be viewed during and after service @


Our church is wheelchair accessible at the back door entrance (off of N. Washington St.) and has elevator accessibility to the Sanctuary. Our greeters and ushers are more than happy to assist you during your visit.
Questions about your visit? Call or email the FPC office:
First Presbyterian Church
73 W Winter Street, Delaware, Ohio
(740) 363-1205





Organ Recital Featuring Joseph Musser – March 30th @ 3pm

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Organ Recital Featuring FPC Organist Dr. Joseph Musser – March 30th @ 3pm

Come see Organist Joseph Musser perform live on FPC’s Blanchard Pipe Organ. Musser’s recital will feature a wide variety of music and compositions from various historical periods. This recital is free and open to the public with no pre-booking required. A free-will offering will be offered benefiting First Presbyterian Church’s kitchen and laundry outreach programs that provide free services for our Delaware City community.

We are wheelchair accessible at the back door entrance (off of N. Washington St.) with elevator accessibility to the Sanctuary. Questions about your visit? Call or email the FPC office:

(740) 363-1205

First Presbyterian Church
73 W Winter Street
Delaware, OH 43015

Organist Bio:
A Professor Emeritus of English at Ohio Wesleyan University, Dr. Musser was chair of the English Department for 23 years and retired from full-time teaching in 2014. He has been organist at the First Presbyterian Church since 1985 and also serves as Music Director. He began serving as a church organist when he was a junior in high school, and has served churches in Schenectady, NY, Charlottesville, VA, Lexington, KY, and Chautauqua, NY.

Musser has composed numerous organ chorales and partitas, anthems, a cello sonata, a recorder quartet, and trios for piano and woodwinds. He wrote the processionals for organ, brass quintet, and timpani for the inauguration of Ohio Wesleyan’s president, Rock Jones (2008). In 2015 he was commissioned to write and perform an organ composition celebrating the 130th anniversary of the Namdaemun Presbyterian Church in Seoul, South Korea, which traces its founding to Dr. Horace Allen, a medical missionary from Delaware, Ohio, who was a member of First Presbyterian as well as an Ohio Wesleyan alumnus.





Laundry Love @ Super Wash – March 24th

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Laundry Lovet @ Super Wash
Monday, March 24th
Registration: 10am – 12pm

Hosted by First Presbyterian Church @ Super Wash:
256 S Sandusky St, Delaware, OH


A service helping the whole community one laundry basket at a time. All Are Welcome! A limit of 4 loads of laundry per household monthly. Please arrive and register at the front registration desk between the posted times for laundry services. Your laundry will be washed as long as you you register between the posted times.

Soap, quarters, dryer sheets, and a light snack are provided!
Have questions? Contact the FPC office!
(740) 363-1205
A ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Delaware made possible by our community partnerships.

Free Carry Out Meal – March 27th @ 5pm

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Menu: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches & ‘Bagged Lunch’ Sides
Our Carry Out meals are free for the community! Meals will be handed out at the back doors of the church from 5:00pm to 5:30pm at FPC, 73 W Winter St, Delaware, OH 43015 (Parking lot off of N. Washington behind Willis). No sign up or registration required just come on by between the posted times! We’re currently unable to make individual meal deliveries. All are welcome!
First Presbyterian Church
73 W Winter St, Delaware, OH 43015
(Parking lot off of N. Washington behind Willis Building)