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About Our Church


If you were to walk into First Presbyterian church on any given Sunday, you would be greeted with words of welcome and a sense of family. We are an intergenerational church that values relationships with our God, one another, our community, and the world. Worship, education, and serving our neighbors define our understanding of being faithful Christians.

What you would also find at FPC is that we love to laugh and play. Fellowship has taken on many different forms over the years from the familiar potlucks, to congregational plays, catered dinners, retreats, outdoor worship services, softball, small group dinners, date nights for parents, picnics, barbeques, bonfires, family game nights, sporting events, and so much more. We believe that fun and laughter bring joy to us and to God.

Finally we are a church that likes to be connected with other churches. We are very proud and appreciative of our strong ties with our sister church in Seoul, South Korea. It was a great joy to host a delegation from the Namdaemoon Church during our 200th-anniversary celebration. We are continually looking for new ways to be in relationship with our sister churches in Delaware and the surrounding area.

Want to learn more? Contact us today!