Delaware First Presbyterian Church has a rich history of Presbyterian Women’s Circles. The purpose of FPC’s circles is to nurture each member’s faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, and to promote a warm and caring community of women that strengthens each individual as well as the church as a whole. Currently, there are two circles at FPC. They meet at different times and locations to fit every woman’s busy schedule.
Abigail Circle
Abigail Circle did not let the Covid-19 virus stop our members from meeting! We missed only March 2020, then in April we began to hold our gatherings by Zoom technology! Of course, this is not the same as meeting in person, but it gives the opportunity to meet face to face and share our Bible study discussions, our experiences and our concerns. We studied the book “Lord, Give Me Patience!” by James W. Moore and Bob J. Moore. We continue to encourage women of all ages of our congregation to join us on the third Thursday of each month from September thru May at 7:30 p.m. For contact information about Abigail Circle, please call the church office at 740-363-1205.