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Our Mission

“Living out the gospel of Jesus Christ through unconditional love.”

All are welcome! We are an open and affirming congregation in the PCUSA (Presbyterian Church USA). Our mission is to continue to grow in our Christian faith through the study of the Holy Scripture, weekly and special worship, retreats, personal devotion, and prayer. We seek to live out our Christian faith in not only our words, but how we put these words in action. We work towards building stronger relationships with God, our community, each other, and every being no matter their background every single day.


Our Church

If you were to walk into First Presbyterian church on any given Sunday, you would be greeted with words of welcome and a sense of family. We are an intergenerational church that values relationships with our God, one another, our community, and the world. Worship, education, fellowship and serving our neighbors define our understanding of being faithful human beings.

Fellowship has taken on many different forms over the years from the familiar potlucks, to talent shows, community events, catered dinners, retreats, outdoor worship, barbecues, bonfires, family game nights, sporting events, and so much more! We believe that fun and laughter bring joy to us and to God.

We are a church that stays connected with other churches. We are very proud and appreciative of our strong ties with our sister church Namdaemoon Church in Seoul, South Korea. It was a great joy to host a delegation from the Namdaemoon Church during our 200th-anniversary celebration. We’re also part of the Intertwine Youth Ministry Collective in Delaware, Ohio. YMC is a collaborative youth ministry between local Christian churches offering safe spaces for youth to build relationships with others, pursue a life lived in Christ, and integrate faith into daily living. We are continually looking for new ways to be in relationship with our friends in our loca community and beyond.


Our Beliefs

Presbyterians believe in the God of the Trinity: Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible is the inspired word of God and with the Holy Spirit guides our daily living. Presbyterians believe that Jesus is God incarnate (in the flesh). Jesus came into the world to reconcile us to God. We celebrate two Sacraments: the Sacrament of Baptism and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We practice both infant and adult baptisms. Our Communion is open to everyone.

Prayer is the means by which we connect ourselves intentionally with God. We are called to pray for those who are sick, lost, broken, hungry, homeless, and in need of God’s care. We are also called to express our gratitude to God for the many blessings we experience in our lives. We believe that time spent in quiet reflection with God is important to our faith journey.

Sin is anything that we do that separates us from God or any other human being. Sin is our intended action or inaction that causes damage to God’s creation. Jesus came into the world and through his death and resurrection made available to all people forgiveness for our mistakes (sins). We are saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is available to all who seek it.

Operations Manual